
**Vtuber/Vtuber Talent Manager
Current management services applications are CLOSED!

About me!

Hello there! My name is Kumachatka, you can call me Kuma! I am currently working as a VTuber manager! If you don't know what that is, it is someone who helps VTubers with growth, networking with other talent/brands, getting sponsors, helping with public relations and scheduling so that you as a content creator have more time to focus on content creation!

Terms of Service

Prior to messaging me in contact for my services please take time to read and agree to the following terms.🐻 i reserve the right to refuse you my services if i feel unsuitable for the role.🍯 Must be responsive and communicative. If the client becomes unreachable (Deleted social media, ghosting, removing me from discord/lying) you will be blacklisted!

🐻** I am open to working with corporations and groups but may charge an amount that can be agreed upon by the parties involved.**

🍯 I also have a life outside of management, if I do not reply right away please do not spam me.

🐻 If you are not going to take my advice/recommendations seriously, I will drop you from my management. Please do not waste my time if you are not serious about content creation!

Contact Me!

**If you are interested in applying for my management services, input your information below! Make sure you include your socials in the message!

**Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to contact me to reach out about my management services! I will reply as soon as possible!